Forest Bridgewater Joint Powers Development District

The Forest Bridgewater Joint Powers Development District meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 6pm.  The meetings are held at the Forest Township Hall located at 3625 Millersburg Blvd, Millersburg, MN  55021.   To be added to the agenda, contact the Clerk, Frances Boehning at or at 507-645-1656.

May 17, 2023 meeting has been cancelled. Regular schedule will resume in June 2023. 

Proposed Development District Sewer Map

Board Members: Glen Castore, Chair ( or 651-343-6613); Charles Peters ( or 507-744-2118), Vice-Chair; Andrew Ebling ( or 507-301-9053); William Malecha (612-423-4500)

For the most current information and agendas and meeting minutes visit:

